Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bedakan IoT dan M2M

Industry discussions on the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential benefits have raised numerous questions regarding distinctions between the IoT and its forerunner, machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. Remote device access is a core common deliverable for both solutions, so questions concerning how to distinguish between the two are understandable.

Commonality between the two solution types largely ends there; they differ in how they achieve remote device access.  For example, traditional M2M solutions typically rely on point-to-point communications using embedded hardware modules and either cellular or wireline networks.  In contrast, IoT solutions rely on IP-based networks to interface device data to a cloud or middleware platform.

The M2M market's sustained inability to realize its forecast growth potential — and the reasons for that failure — provide telling indicators of the true differences between the IoT vs. M2M. While M2M solutions offer remote access to machine data, these data are traditionally targeted at point solutions in service management applications. Rarely, if ever, are the data integrated with enterprise applications to help improve overall business performance.  Integration of device and sensor data with Big Data, analytics and other enterprise applications is a core concept behind the emerging IoT. This integration is key to achieving numerous benefits throughout the manufacturing enterprise and, ultimately, growth in the marketplace.
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Remote Device Access
Access to remote devices, machines, assets and other entities provides a primary value proposition for both M2M and IoT solutions.  M2M applications are typically composed of hardware modules embedded in a machine at a customer site that communicate via proprietary cellular or wireline networks to a dedicated software application, often at the supplier's service operation. This capability allows the device/asset/machine supplier to reduce its service management costs through remote diagnostics, troubleshooting, updates, and other remote capabilities that decrease the need to deploy field service personnel.

In industrial IoT solutions, the "what, how and why" of remote device access involves much broader brushstrokes.  The IoT accommodates not only the same devices/assets/machines as M2M applications, but also low-power and passive sensors as well as inexpensive devices that may not be able to justify a dedicated M2M hardware module.  IoT devices communicate via standards-based IP networks and their data are incorporated into enterprise applications to enable not only improved service, but also operational improvement and new business models such as product-as-a-service.

The ability for applications throughout the enterprise to access device data to enable performance improvements, business innovation or other possibilities clearly distinguishes the potential of IoT versus that of M2M. This IoT-based data delivery is usually to a cloud, allowing access by any sanctioned enterprise application. In contrast, M2M typically employs direct point-to-point communication. The cloud-based architecture also makes IoT inherently more scalable, eliminating the need for incremental hard-wired connections and SIM card installations.  This is one reason why M2M is often referred to as "plumbing," while the IoT is seen as a universal enabler.

Integrated IoT Solutions Enable Higher-Order Benefits
Enterprise integration, higher-order-benefits potential, and the ability to accommodate more and a wider variety of devices underscore why the IoT market bears much greater potential than traditional M2M.  Customers of M2M and IoT applications alike aim to reduce unplanned downtime, and both types of solutions potentially can improve service management, a higher order benefit. The IoT excels here as well, providing the ability to assess these issues from a system level as well as at the device or machine level and applying analytics and processing Big Data to tweak out incremental benefits.

Reliance on the software versus hardware aspects of the architecture makes IoT solutions more accessible to a broader variety of both internal and external customers. Universal visualization capabilities allow data to be presented anywhere, including on mobile devices, to any sanctioned users.  The combination of these attributes further raises the visibility of IoT solutions and generates attention at the corporate level, rather than just at the departmental level.

Differences in Supplier Landscape
Suppliers of M2M and IoT applications typically have different competencies.  This directly affects users' ability to generate the desired benefits from their remote device access solutions.

M2M supplier competencies tend to focus on the "plumbing" aspects mentioned earlier, particularly embedded hardware and cellular telecommunications networks. Many are starting to add cloud capability through internal development, acquisition or partnering. But for most M2M suppliers, this represents new terrain.  IoT solution suppliers, on the other hand, tend to emphasize software capabilities and particularly enterprise integration.  These are important distinctions.

Specify the Right Solution
The terms M2M and IoT have become synonymous in many quarters, but it is important to make sure you specify a solution that meets your current and anticipated needs.  This involves recognizing up-front whether you seek a point solution for simple remote machine access, like in a service-management application, or look to drive incremental business benefits across the enterprise through use of analytics, Big Data and other software-oriented performance-improvement tools.  Enterprise integration capabilities, scalability, software vs. hardware emphasis, and use of standard vs. proprietary device connections are key criteria that impact whether you have an IoT or M2M solution.
ARC recently launched a dedicated Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Advisory Service designed to help manufacturers and other industrial organizations make sense of, evaluate, plan for and potentially implement emerging IoT technology and solutions. 

CPolsonetti 300Chantal Polsonetti is vice president, ARC Advisory Group. You can e-mail her at

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sewa Aplikasi Helpdesk

Pusing karena banyaknya masalah di IT ? 
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Manufaktur semakin canggih dengan adanya M2M

Smart manufacturing made smarter with M2M

Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Smart manufacturing made smarter with M2M
The manufacturing process has always been prone to implement technological changes that improve production efficiency through cost and time to market reductions, which give manufacturing companies the competitive edge in their markets over competitors.
At the same time the irruption of M2M technologies is yet to massively penetrate the factory realm. Laura Stotler of M2M Evolution Magazine believes that “the traditional world of manufacturing, is a vertical market that hasn’t changed much in general over the years. M2M has the potential to revolutionize the way manufacturers do business”.
Companies like business process management (BPM) Pega, normally involved in helping transactional companies such as banks or credit card companies streamline their business processes, are now looking at the different challenges manufacturers face and how M2M can make them more competitive.
“The complexity of manufacturers, managing diverse production lines involving suppliers and physical elements is different to those of managing bank accounts or insurance policies”, stated Bruce Williams, vice-president of Pega at a recent ITEXPO Miami 2014 interview.
“M2M and the Internet of Things have been around for almost 30 years but the difference is that Moore’s Law is slashing the price, while boosting the technology making it widely available. This allows for a measurement device and a controlling circuit to be installed just about anywhere”, continues Williams.
In this manner, products and pieces in the manufacturing process become actors thanks to this new capacity to present themselves, announce their state, receive orders and so on, through the M2M communications. “This allows for people, complex systems, and now things, to combine as part of the business processes”, concludes Williams.
Another view that confirms this future of manufacturing comes from consulting firm McKinsey’s Markus Löffler. “The IoT has already set in motion a Third Industrial Revolution, technological changes that will decentralize production control and trigger a paradigm shift in manufacturing. How will this paradigm shift affect classic production processes and manufacturing value chain?”, asked Löffler.
“It is highly likely that the world of production will become more and more networked until everything is interlinked with everything else. And logistics could be at the forefront of this shift”, replied Siegfried Dais, deputy chairman of the board of management at German engineering company Robert Bosch GmbH.
“This paradigm shift will make logistics and the supplier networks grow enormously more complicated”, added Andreas Tschiesner from McKinsey. Löffler expects a complete consolidation of devices and process management. “Process and device will be inseparable; physical things become part of the process. What this means for the plant is that machines and workflows merge to become a single entity”, concludes Löffler.
The new reality in a competitive market will allow for manufacturers to “speak” to their products, and even product pieces during the production process allowing better products to reach the market. IoT is about the physical world, as the creator of the expression, Kevin Ashton, said.
Not only private companies see the strategic importance of M2M in manufacturing. The European Union believes that the factories of the future have a key interest for maintaining the competitive edge in a globalized and highly industrialized world.
To address member country counselling a report has been released detecting the main areas of improvement and providing an extensive roadmap up to 2020. “SMEs are the backbone of manufacturing industry in Europe. Micro, small and medium enterprises provide around 45 % of the value added by manufacturing while they provide around 59 % of manufacturing employment”, says the EU report.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Layanan IndoMonitoring

Memantau kinerja dan ketersediaan situs web dari  berbagai lokasi  di seluruh dunia dan waspada pada downtime yang instan. Melacak waktu respon dan menganalisis pengguna akhir pengalaman dengan pemecahan masalah komponen website Anda dan menangkap statistik penting dalam serangkaian luas Site24x7 laporan.
Kinerja Web Monitoring

Aplikasi Web Monitoring
Memantau up-waktu dan kinerja e-commerce atau perbankan Anda aplikasi bisnis kritis dari  50 lokasi + pemantauan  di seluruh dunia. Site24x7 memungkinkan Anda merekam setiap langkah dalam e-cart atau memutar kembali transaksi-transaksi sintetis secara berkala untuk mengetahui apakah ada kelesuan dalam kinerja aplikasi yang akan mengusir pelanggan tidak sabar Anda.

Dapatkan visibilitas mendalam tentang bagaimana halaman Web Anda sedang loading untuk pelanggan Anda di seluruh dunia. Melacak performa dari komponen HTML individu seperti JavaScript, CSS dan gambar. Juga melihat throughput webserver menjalankan domain utama dan sub-domain. Bandingkan berbagai kemampuan monitoring website kami.
Halaman web Analyzer

Layanan Pemantauan
Layanan Pemantauan
Memantau ketersediaan layanan penting. Kami mendukung pemantauan HTTP (S), FTP (S), DNS, PING, TCP, SSL, SMTP, POP, dll

Memantau Anda  Java ,  . NET  dan  Ruby on Rails transaksi web  dan menelusuri ke kode menyinggung dan menentukan akar penyebab masalah dari awan.
Kinerja Aplikasi Pemantauan

Cloud Pemantauan
Dapatkan metrik kinerja yang komprehensif dari  Amazon EC2  dan  RDS  contoh dan memastikan kinerja terbaik dari aplikasi dan layanan bisnis penting host di platform Amazon Anda. Mendapatkan informasi tentang pemanfaatan sumber daya EC2 dan RDS contoh dan aplikasi yang berjalan pada mereka.

Keuntungan pandangan holistik infrastruktur VMware Anda. Memantau host VMware vSphere dan  mesin virtual  (VM). Dapatkan tampilan grafis, alarm dan ambang batas, out-of-the-box laporan, kesalahan manajemen yang komprehensif dan maksimum uptime Server ESX.
VMware Pemantauan

Monitoring Server
Memantau metrik server yang penting seperti CPU, Disk, Memory, Proses, Jasa dan Jaringan Pemanfaatan Windows server yang menjalankan aplikasi kritis. Pastikan biaya overhead dan pemeliharaan minimum.

Memantau kinerja Mailbox, Hub Transport, Client Access, Unified Messaging dan peran Edge penyebaran Exchange Anda.
Exchange Server Pemantauan

DNS Server Pemantauan
Site24x7 dapat memastikan DNS look-up bekerja dan DNS server Anda menyelesaikan nama domain dengan benar. Anda juga dapat memantau waktu respon untuk resolusi DNS dan DNS look-up.

Menetapkan tanda untuk memberitahu Anda sebelum sertifikat SSL dari situs Anda berakhir.Pastikan Anda memiliki SSL sertifikat yang sah untuk mempertahankan kepercayaan pelanggan pada kehadiran online Anda.
Pemantauan Sertifikat SSL

FTP RTT Pemantauan
Periksa waktu respon untuk meng-upload dan download file penting melalui server FTP Anda.Menjamin kinerja optimal dengan memeriksa waktu round trip layanan FTP Anda.

Monitoring server Mail dari Site24x7 melakukan server mail waktu round trip cek lengkap dan memastikan kinerja yang optimal. Itu hal-hal seperti klien email Anda (Outlook atau Thunderbird) dan dapat memantau waktu respon dan kinerja server mail Anda, baik SMTP keluar dan masuk POP / IMAP.
Mail Monitoring Server

Memantau Anda Internal Network dan Swasta Awan
Memantau portal intranet, sistem ERP, aplikasi penggajian, perangkat jaringan ping, server aplikasi, database server dan memastikan aplikasi kustom lainnya dan melakukan secara optimal. On-Premise Poller membantu Anda memantau sumber daya internal dan mendorong kinerja dan informasi uptime ke Site24x7 menggunakan arsitektur ramah awan (satu arah HTTPS).

Diberitahu tentang kinerja atau downtime masalah di mana saja, kapan saja dengan mekanisme peringatan yang mendukung SMS, Email, Push Notifications, Twitter dan RSS Feed.
Alarm dan Pemberitahuan

Analisis Root Cause
Analisis Akar Penyebab adalah laporan komprehensif berdasarkan jejak rute, keluaran ping, laporan DNS dan screenshot halaman web yang memberikan kesimpulan tentang apa yang menyebabkan masalah ini. Dengan RCA Anda turun untuk memperbaiki masalah segera.

Tentukan perjanjian tingkat layanan dan melacak kepatuhan mereka.
Manajemen SLA

Status View & Operasi Dashboard
Status View & Operasi Dashboard
Lihat status semua monitor Anda dalam satu tempat seperti layar LCD di NOC. Anda juga dapat menanamkan pandangan ini dalam halaman web Anda. Keuntungan dari Status View atau Dashboard adalah bahwa auto-refresh dan Anda dapat melihat status monitor Anda kapan saja tanpa harus login ke account Anda setiap kali.

Laporan Kinerja
Mendalam dan laporan lengkap yang memungkinkan Anda menganalisis kinerja monitor Anda dan mengidentifikasi tren selama periode waktu. Jadwal Laporan pilihan untuk menerima laporan pada waktu yang Anda pilih dan hari. Laporan Ekspor opsi membantu Anda mengekspor laporan di CSV, PDF, Excel atau format Email yang akan digunakan untuk keperluan internal.
Laporan Kinerja

Mobile Access
Aplikasi untuk Android dan iPhone dan mobile web khusus yang memungkinkan Anda melacak status monitor Anda di mana saja, kapan saja.

Gaya REST API memungkinkan Anda untuk menarik data Site24x7 dalam XML atau JSON format dan mengintegrasikan dengan aplikasi bisnis yang ada.
Dedicated API

Manajemen Pengguna
Memberikan peran berbasis akses untuk melihat laporan, halaman status dan detail monitor karyawan Anda, manajer atau penyedia hosting Anda sendiri.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Teknologi masa depan : M2M

Shaping the Future with Technology

10 Apr 2014
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11013l.Base-Station.jpg - 11013l.Base-Station.jpg
 Base station
Technology has completely changed the ways of man. It has set up comfortable platforms for most of its activities, with it, having to adapt to an array of unfolding new applications almost always in split seconds, writes Emma Okonji

The pace of technological advancement is fast becoming giddy, that sooner than expected a tiny remote control will carry out any human activity at the greatest convenience anytime and anywhere.
Imagine such possibilities as controlling your car remotely, getting the iron to press your clothing items, activating robots and using them as surveillance tools in your home.

A situation where with the remote control, you can open the door of a car, turn on the ignition and drive out of the garage with a voice command. How about a kitchen appliance like a refrigerator that can alert you when you have almost run out of milk or eggs or even juice? What do you think a house that welcomes you after a long, hard day at the office, and tells you when a visitor is at the door and who the visitor is?
A house that is voice-activated and can read your emails if you are too tired to get to your computer. A wrist gear that is networked with your house so delicately that at every point in time, you are in touch with your home and with what is going on there.
These are all signs of how technology would driving the world in no distant time and such is the power of new technologies that is driving today's world and shaping the future of people globally.
M2M Technology
Machine-to-machine or M2M as it is called, is a technology that allows both wired and wireless systems and devices to communicate with each other. Data usually flows from one device over a network through a gateway to another device, interpreting the data and ultimately performing functions useful for people.
Devices, especially mobile phones, have become so integrated with our lives that they have greatly affected the way we live, work and relax. It is commonplace to hear people say 'I cannot leave home without my mobile phone, or I would rather lose my wallet than lose my mobile phone'. In the past, visually impaired people for instance, moved around with the aid of guide canes.

As time progressed, these canes became self-illuminating in the dark, after which dogs were trained to lead the blind. Today, a visually impaired person can live a very normal life with the aid of his mobile device, which practically speaks to him and even alerts him when he is moving too close to danger. With the power of M2M technology, his device can also communicate with other devices and gadgets in his home, thereby enabling him to live a very normal and convenient life.
Display of Technology at Mobile World Congress
At the 2014 edition of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), in Barcelona, Spain, which is the largest exhibition forum for the latest in gadgets, technology and mobile devices, companies such as Ericsson, Vodafone, and even a fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) company like P&G, showcased how the application of the M2M technology is being adopted to help bolster the sophistication of the retail experience, engaging their customers to enjoy even more savvy customer experience.
Over 80,000 participants visited Barcelona to have a glimpse of the future today.

From connected products to digital marketing, digital signage and digital displays, FMCGs and retail organisations have cashed in on the M2M technology.
The organisations flaunted the seamless manner technology has helped them to cut costs of energy use considerably and improved supply chain effectiveness to get goods to retail outlets more efficiently. Customers have also been engaged through in-store connections via digital signage and wireless point of sale (PoS).

Vodafone Group, a UK-based telecommunications company with over 403 million customers around the world launched the Smart Retail concept, which makes use of innovative technology to drive customer experience and the company's business performance, was launched during the Mobile World Congress. For them, the M2M technology is the future for customer interaction.
The concept basically speaks about interactivity at the heart of the Vodafone store. The ease and convenience, clear and intuitive navigation and tools to aid customers with their business transactions, are mind-blowing.
In partnership with Volvo and based on Ericsson's multiservice delivery platform (MSDP), Ericsson's connected vehicle cloud, provides infortainment, Apps and communications services in Volvo's new cars.

With the service, drivers and passengers will be able to access an application that provides entertainment, information, and navigation from a screen in the car. With connected vehicle, the driver can equally get traffic alerts, software updates, music downloads, and charging support for electric cars. In addition, Volvo cars will yield part of its platform to other players in the automotive ecosystem.
The Smart Toothbrush
P&G, a FMCG company, made debut, the world's foremost interactive digital toothbrush tagged connected toothbrush from its smart series. With a 4.0 Bluetooth connectivity, one is able to monitor one's oral hygiene through the Oral-B App downloaded in one's mobile phone.

It provides real-time guidance while you brush and makes available your brushing and hygiene data that can be shared with your dentist on your next appointment. The beauty of the Oral-B App is that it not only reports your brushing data to you, it can also personalise a proper brushing routine and programme your smartphone as a remote control to customised brushing needs.
The user is also kept engaged while brushing with news feeds, weather reports and oral care tips . The Oral-B App can be downloaded free of charge on iOS and Android smartphones.
More Technology Advancement
Indeed, the progress of connected devices and Machine-2-Machine communications continues to grow at an incredible pace, shaping the world around us. The MWC was also digitally compliant with digital signage positioned at the entrances and around the exhibition halls to enable visitors, without human interface, easily find their way around the over 98,000 square kilometres of space, at the Fira Gran Via.

Tap-and-go digital signage for near field communications (NFC) gave visitors easy and convenient access to restaurants, badge/security passes and mobile banking among, other services.
Organisations are increasingly beginning to understand the critical need for interactivity with customers, and have cashed in on the M2M technology to reach them. An organisation like Amirror, which advertises on mirrors using the M2M technology, has recorded resounding success with its Smart Mirror series.

The Smart mirrors beam messages to people on mirrors in wash-rooms, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and other frequented public places with mirrors. These messages are downloaded directly from Admirror's servers, enabled by Vodafone, straight to the customers. A sort of in-your face advertising without being unnecessarily offensive.

At the MWC, Vodafone showcased its partnership with Admirror on the use of M2M for more impactful adverts in real time.
According to Vodafone's M2M Business Development Manager, Peter Manolescue, the problem faced by advertisers is the difficulty of getting messages across to a very crowded market and very often, you only have a moment to get such messages across effectively.

He said Admirror found a way to distil messages to customers in areas where they least expect it. In other words, adverts can be done in real time. The advert messages are in line with marketing campaigns and adapt to the twists and turns in the campaign. Vodafone's M2M servers allow advertisers to update their messages in real time.
According to a recently released Hollywood movie, 'our devices are us'. The storyline of the blockbuster movie entitled 'Her', portrayed a man who fell in love with his computer operating system (OS).

Perhaps because of how completely wrapped in his world the OS was, it did everything for and with him: helped him to work more efficiently, sleep, relax well to the sound of soothing music and was generally the best PA anyone could ask for.
Again, what the movie and indeed Hollywood is saying is that man and machine have been so integrated that one day, people may actually fall in love with their machines and even go as far as marrying their devices, if the law permits it.
Evolving Technology
Technology is evolving and shaping the future with endless possibilities in various fields including, medicine, agriculture, commerce, aviation, arts, culture, tourism and indeed, everything that affects our daily lives.
Telecommunications companies, vendors, content developers, technology companies, have emerged in the forefront of this evolution, masterminding the birth of new innovations that shape even the way they do business and relate with their various customers. If the movie 'Her' is anything to go by, then indeed, the future is here.

In Nigeria, there is a revolution in the technology space and people are becoming increasingly aware of these evolutions and becoming better informed. Companies are striving to up their game in order to take the lead in the bold new digital world. An organisation like MTN for instance, understands this and has positioned itself to be part of the digital revolution.

It has evolved from being a telecommunications company to becoming a technology company, providing digital solutions to meet the diverse needs of their very diverse and futuristic customers.
With the proliferation of online shops, one can buy anything simply by going online, surfing for what you need and clicking the purchase button. Within 24 hours, your purchase will be delivered right to your doorsteps. It is also easy to sell off what you no longer need by again, going online and displaying a photograph of the item for sale.

Within days, a buyer will click on it and your old item is taken off you. Statistics have shown the explosion and astronomic rise of online shopping as people avidly seek new ways of digitally meeting their needs without minimum stress and at a lesser cost.
Today, technology is creating smart devices that will better the lives of all that understand the power of technology. It is therefore expedient that Nigerians take advantage of the evolving technology that is shaping the future.

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