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Saturday, April 28, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
Begini Proses Revolusi Industri 4.0 Diterapkan Perusahaan Skala Besar
Pemerintah meluncurkan peta jalan (roadmap) industri bertajuk Making Indonesia 4.0 untuk mempercepat implementasi revolusi industri 4.0 di lima sektor manufaktur, Rabu (4/4). Sebelum peluncuran peta jalan ini, beberapa perusahaan skala besar telah menerapkannya dalam proses produksi mereka.
Penerapan revolusi industri 4.0 ini dinilai membuat rantai nilai produksi yang dilakukan lebih efektif dan efisien. Salah satunya dirasakan oleh PT PAN Brothers Tbk yang memproduksi beberapa produk tekstil dengan merk ternama seperti Uniqlo, Adidas, The North Face, H&M, IKEA dan puluhan merk internasional lainnya.
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PAN Brothers telah menggunakan berbagai teknologi 4.0, seperti artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), Advanced Robotics, dan 3D Forming dalam rangkaian proses produksinya.
General Manager Marketing PT PAN Brothers Tbk Ade Ahmad Yani mengatakan, dalam proses perencanaan, AI mampu meminimalisir biaya yang dikeluarkan klien saat menyerahkan desain produk. Selama ini, klien yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat ataupun Eropa harus bertemu dengan tim perusahaan untuk memberikan rancangan desain.
Dengan teknologi AI, desain dapat dijahit secara virtual menggunakan program virtual stitcher tanpa kehadiran klien. Jika desain tersebut telah disepakati, PAN Brothers dapat langsung membuat cetakan dan membuat polanya. Material yang digunakan juga dapat terhitung secara rinci.
PAN Brother menggunakan IoT untuk memantau proses produksi hingga distribusi mereka. Pemantauan juga dilakukan melalui AR. PAN Brothers menggunakan pemilihan visual atas produk mereka dengan headmounted display (HMD). Hal ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan keamanan dari rantai nilai produksi mereka.
Adapun, advance robotics dan 3D Forming digunakan untuk membantu produksi melalui proses otomatisasi. Penggunaan teknologi 4.0 ini membuat proses produksi PAN Brothers menjadi lebih cepat dan akurat.
"Teknologi 4.0 mengurangi waktu handling. Tak perlu disangkal kalau selama ini 80% total produksi berasal dari handling process," kata Ade dalam acara Indonesia Industrial Summit (IIS) 2018 di Jakarta Convention Centre, Jakarta, Kamis (5/4).
Manfaat serupa dirasakan perusahaan petrokimia PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk. General Manager Process Technology PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk Helmilus Moesa mengatakan, perusahaannya menerapkan teknologi 4.0 seperti digitisasi, otomatisasi, learning machine, dan IoT.
Menurut Moesa, penggunaan teknologi 4.0 mampu mendorong proses rantai nilai dan kualitas produk yang berujung pada optimalisasi keuntungan.
"Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, efisiensi, profit margin, kualitas, dan keamanan, perusahaan sudah dan akan menerapkan teknologi process control dan digitalisasi," kata Moesa.
Produsen cokelat asal Swiss, PT Barry Callebaut, menerapkan teknologi 4.0 dalam menghasilkan bahan baku cokelat yang sebagian besar dipasok untuk Garuda Food. Production Manager PT Barry Callebaut Hardi Iskandar menjelaskan teknologi otomatisasi membuat perusahaannya menghasilkan produk berkualitas secara konsisten.
Otomatisasi dan digitisasi juga membuat pemantauan lebih mudah karena sistem di tiap sektor aktual dan terintegrasi. "Ini sistem data riil yang berguna untuk controlling dan monitoring, sangat memudahkan kami memantau atau untuk melihat apakah proses berjalan konsisten atau tidak," kata Hardi.
Selain itu, perusahaan merasakan dampak efisiensi dengan penggunaan tenaga kerja yang lebih sedikit dalam proses produksi. Salah satu pabrik Barry Callebout yang telah menggunakan teknologi 4.0 di Gresik, Jawa Timur misalnya, hanya memiliki sekitar 50 karyawan.
"Kami juga bisa menghemat banyak hal, tidak banyak tenaga manusia yang digunakan karena semua sudah dilakukan mesin," kata Hardi.
Penggunaan teknologi 4.0 memang hanya terbatas diimplementasikan perusahaan skala besar, karena memerlukan investasi yang tak sedikit. Perusahaan tekstil dan produk tekstil PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) selama lima tahun terakhir menghabiskan US$ 100 juta dalam menerapkan otomatisasi, robotisasi, dan digitisasi di seluruh lini produksi.
CEO PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) Iwan Setiawan Lukminto mengatakan, keuntungan yang didapatkan dari penerapan teknologi ini tak bisa langsung dirasakan. "Paling tidak kami menghitung (untuk proses) 20 tahun ke depan," kata Iwan.
Investasi jangka panjang ini dinilai diperlukan untuk bisa meningkatkan daya saing global. Saat ini, kompetisi global semakin ketat karena di negara lain juga mulai menggunakan teknologi 4.0.
"Kami harus berinvestasi agar ke depannya dari sisi harga kami bisa berkompetisi dalam skala internasional," kata Iwan.
sumber: https://katadata.co.id/berita/2018/04/06/begini-proses-revolusi-industri-40-diterapkan-perusahaan-skala-besar
Cloud Hosting vs Shared Hosting: 7 (Important) Differences
Cloud Hosting vs Shared Hosting: 7 (Important) Differences
by Karen Evans
Perhaps we should begin with the three things that the two have in common: the web hosting provider, servers, and websites. Unfortunately, this is as far as the similarity goes.
Whereas shared hosting can boast being the most popular of all the hosting plans, all its accolades fade when put against the new features that cloud hosting brings.
Key features we'll be looking out for include uptime, support, security, pricing, performance, speed, and bonuses. Each certainly fairs differently under each of these spaces and that's actually where the majority of the differences lie.
Although shared hosting has been part of web hosting history for the longest time,cloud hosting (or Cloud VPS) first came onto the web hosting scene in 1996. And since it came along, it has been gaining momentum. So let’s dissect the two, cloud hosting vs shared hosting, to see what sets them apart.
What Is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting refers to the hosting plan that has multiple websites hosted together and sharing resources on one server (disk space, storage, bandwidth and databases etc).
Most, if not all the web hosting providers offer this hosting plan. Shared hosting requires a dedicated web server provided by the web hosting provider.
Advocates for shared hosting appreciate its cheap cost and ease of use when it comes to features. It is however not the best option for websites with a lot of traffic.
What Is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is where your website is hosted on a cluster of servers instead of having your site hosted on one server. In case of an issue, your site can be migrated to another server.
Based on the cloud computing technology, it allows numerous machines to work in synchrony as one entity. The success of cloud hosting is guaranteed by the presence of many servers.
Proponents for cloud hosting love it for its speed and flexibility. In addition, engineers can quickly pull resources since high traffic is a norm for this hosting service. If you need more explanation about cloud hosting, please check out the following video:
Features of Cloud Vs Shared Web Hosting
Shared hosting may guarantee 99.99% uptimes, however, it is challenging to live up to that. One major reason for this is the shared nature of the services. If one website experiences unprecedented high traffic could cause downtime issues with all the websites on that server.
Cloud hosting, on the other hand, has impeccable uptimes since the users are on a dedicated server. Even though there is an aspect of shared resources, problems on one server only mean websites are moved to another functioning server.
Cloud hosting has an upper hand in this regard. Even the advanced users as well (those on cloud) tend to have more features. They have unlimited everything, from storage to bandwidth and databases.
Shared hosting is prone to more limits than the web host cares to divulge. Although the plan promises unlimited resources, if the monitoring team notices a user overusing the limited resources repercussions like suspensions can occur.
In this instance, shared hosting are clear winners. Since every web hosting company is trying to attract the huge client base of shared hosting, free bonuses abound for all. This can range from domain names to free web transfers and website builders. This is a plus for users on shared hosting.
Cloud users are not prone to such offers or have very limited options.
Benefits of Shared Web Hosting Vs Cloud Hosting
Shared Hosting
In shared hosting, the security is based on databases and applications which make them vulnerable to hackers. This is because once one has access to one shared hosting server, it is easier to access the other websites on it. And once a website has been hacked into, most intruders leave a back door to gain entry again later.
Since the security threats on shared host are prevalent, most web hosts advise users to keep their computers safe using reliable update antiviruses like Norton Internet Security or Kaspersky Internet Security. They also advise on using strong passwords and keeping your cPanel password away from any files on your account. Also, disable unnecessary options on your PHP settings to enhance security.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting security management deals with arising issues using security control. There are four major controls behind the architecture of cloud hosting security:
- Deterrent controls
- Preventative controls
- Detective controls
- Corrective controls.
While cloud hosting services encounter traditional security issues like network eavesdropping, illegal invasion, and cloud-specific ones like abuse of cloud services and side channel attacks, the service has clamped down on data confidentiality, data access control, and data integrity. On top of that, the hosting service has also incorporated encrypted algorithms to further protect privacy and data.
Cloud hosting – for the simple reason that the service provides the users absolute control when it comes to security by virtue of having dedicated servers. In case of problems with hardware, your website is migrated to a stable server.
Shared Hosting
Even with custom built servers and SSD servers, the resources on shared hosting are a limiting factor that impedes speed. Although there are companies that have done very well in this aspect, most web hosts struggle with being able to offer adequate resources for this popular segment of their clientele. In addition, you may have to contend with issues of constant downtimes and outages.
Cloud Hosting
With cloud hosting, you can expect an ultra-fast, auto scalable and customizable platform. In instances of high traffic, the site doesn’t bulge. In fact, cloud hosting is recommended for sites that experience a lot of traffic
Cloud hosting – having a lot more resources at the user’s disposal provides them with the ability to perform at optimum.
Shared Hosting
The servers powering shared hosting are almost always full to capacity. This means that if one website gets a sudden influx of traffic, all the other websites are afflicted with slow speeds which translates to terrible load times. In case of slow speeds, user have to wait until the issue is resolved to resume their normal online presence.
Cloud Hosting
Once again, it all comes down to the distribution of resources. Servers running cloud hosting , on the other hand, allocate all their resources to one website: yours! Whenever a hardware issue is detected, your website doesn’t stay stuck in the nonfunctional server.
Cloud hosting – the availability of resources means you have enough at your disposal to keep your website running at excellent speeds.
Shared Hosting
Sharing server space always translates to cheap prices for all the website hosted. This is because while the resources are shared, the cost of the service is also spread out across all on board. With shared hosts, the payment is done on a monthly basis or locked down for a year to three years. In fact, to enjoy the lowest prices, you may need to lock down a longer period.
Cloud Hosting
Most users of cloud hosting will tell you that they don’t pay for services on cloud hosting when they are not using them. Having said that, the cost will come down to how you build your infrastructure.
If you have numerous apps in your cloud and don’t keep track of them, you will end up with an expensive bill. However, if you have clearly mapped out objectives for your cloud that you are following, you will have a leaner cheaper bill.
Shared hosting – Since the payment is done on a monthly or yearly basis, you do not run the risk of overusing resources and paying more.
So our cloud hosting vs shared hosting contest ends there and in summary, shared hosting gets an edge over cloud hosting when it comes to pricing and bonuses. It’s a perfect plan for those on a budget or small business owners because they can have access to all the basic features they need to get started and do so affordably.
Cloud hosting, on the other hand, takes the crown when it comes to security, uptime, speed, performance, and uptime. All the features packed into this plan making it ideal for medium to large sized business or generally those websites that tend to receive huge traffic.
source: https://startbloggingonline.com/cloud-hosting-vs-shared-hosting/
Sunday, April 22, 2018
2017 Review Shows $180 billion Cloud Market Growing at 24% Annually
2017 Review Shows $180 billion Cloud Market Growing at 24% Annually
RENO, NV, January 4, 2018
New data from Synergy Research Group shows that across six key cloud services and infrastructure market segments, operator and vendor revenues for the four quarters ending September 2017 reached $180 billion, having grown by 24% on an annualized basis. IaaS & PaaS services had the highest growth rate at 47%, followed by enterprise SaaS at 31% and hosted private cloud infrastructure services at 30%. 2016 was notable as the year in which spend on cloud services overtook spend on hardware and software used to build public and private clouds, and in 2017 the gap widened. In aggregate cloud service markets are now growing over three times more quickly than cloud infrastructure hardware and software. Companies that featured the most prominently among the 2017 market segment leaders were Amazon/AWS, Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce, Dell EMC, HPE and Cisco.
Over the period Q4 2016 to Q3 2017, total spend on hardware and software to build cloud infrastructure approached $80 billion, split evenly between public and private clouds, though spend on public cloud is growing more rapidly. Infrastructure investments by cloud service providers helped them to generate over $100 billion in revenues from cloud infrastructure services (IaaS, PaaS, hosted private cloud services) and enterprise SaaS – in addition to which that cloud provider infrastructure supports internet services such as search, social networking, email, e-commerce and gaming. Meanwhile UCaaS, while in many ways a different type of market, is also growing strongly and is driving some radical changes in business communications.

“We tagged 2015 as the year when cloud became mainstream and 2016 as the year when cloud started to dominate many IT market segments. In 2017 cloud was the new normal,” said John Dinsdale, a Chief Analyst and Research Director at Synergy Research Group. “Major barriers to cloud adoption are now almost a thing of the past, with previously perceived weaknesses such as security now often seen as strengths. Cloud technologies are now generating massive revenues for cloud service providers and technology vendors and we forecast that current market growth rates will decline only slowly over the next five years.”
About Synergy Research Group
Synergy provides quarterly market tracking and segmentation data on IT and Cloud related markets, including vendor revenues by segment and by region. Market shares and forecasts are provided via Synergy’s uniquely designed online database tool, which enables easy access to complex data sets. Synergy’s CustomView ™ takes this research capability one step further, enabling our clients to receive on-going quantitative market research that matches their internal, executive view of the market segments they compete in.
Synergy Research Group helps marketing and strategic decision makers around the world via its syndicated market research programs and custom consulting projects. For nearly two decades, Synergy has been a trusted source for quantitative research and market intelligence. Synergy is a strategic partner of TeleGeography.
To speak to an analyst or to find out how to receive a copy of a Synergy report, please contact Heather Gallo at hgallo@srgresearch.com or 775-852-3330 extension 101.
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