Tuesday, October 20, 2020

“IoT for Smart Manufacturing: Optimizing Business Processes in an Evolving Manufacturing Factory” - 27 OKT 2020


Perkembangan penelitian dalam beberapa dekade terakhir telah memperkenalkan konsep IoT dalam beberapa skenario aplikasi industri, yang mengarah ke apa yang disebut Industri 4.0 atau Industrial IoT (IIoT). Industri 4.0 memiliki ambisi untuk merevolusi manajemen industri dan proses bisnis, meningkatkan produktivitas teknologi manufaktur melalui pengumpulan dan analisis data lapangan, sehingga menciptakan digital twins skenario industri secara real-time.

Bagaimana dengan digitalisasi proses kendali mutu dan evolusi IIoT baik dalam digitalisasi maupun optimalisasi kegiatan perencanaan produksi disektor manufaktur?

Menghadirkan pembicara:

1.       Firmansyah – Kepala Sub Bidang Industri Tekstil Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia

2.       Edward Christian – Data Science and Data Engineering Lead of ZebraX

3.       Chendy Jaya – CEO of Imajin


Fita Indah Maulani – Sekjen ASIOTI

Cari tau jawabannya, hanya di IoT Talk edisi kelima yang mengangkat topik “IoT for Smart Manufacturing: Optimizing Business Processes in an Evolving Manufacturing Factory”. Daftar sekarang di www.bit.ly/iottalk5

IoT Talk 5th Edition
Selasa, 27 October 2020
14.00 – 15.30
Via Zoom Webinar

Info lebih lanjut email ke 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Hadiri TEMU UMKM 14 Okt 2020

TEMU UMKM akan hadir pada hari Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020 yang terdiri dari 3 sesi: Sesi PLENARY, Sesi Temu SATU dan Sesi Temu DUA. Kita bahas satu-satu yuk masing-masing sesinya
Pada sesi pertama yaitu ada Sesi Plenary, akan dibahas mengenai "Transformasi Digital sebagai Solusi UMKM Hadapi Era Normal Baru" yang akan diselenggarakan pada pukul 14.00 hingga 15.25
Terdapat banyak sekali pembicara yang merupakan pakar dari pemerintah dan juga dari berbagai industri seperti eCommerce, logistik dan juga asosiasi UKM yang akan memberikan beragam informasi berharga seputar perkembangan UKM di Indonesia
Hadirilah Webinar TEMU UMKM dengan cara klik link http://bit.ly/temuumkm_web 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


When implementing an IT service management platform in an organization, there's this common confusion between ITSM and ITIL. You must have asked yourself, "What is needed, ITSM or ITIL?"
#ITSM and #ITIL aren't the same things.

ITSM is a #software solution used by #IT teams to implement, manage, and deliver #ITServices to meet the needs of an organization.

On the contrary, ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) is a popular ITSM #bestpractice #framework designed to standardize the selection, planning, delivery, and maintenance of IT services within a #business. ITIL has 5 core volumes such as Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, and Continual Service Improvement.

Even though the end-goal for both is to improve #efficiency and achieve reliable service delivery, it's good not to confuse the two terms, and absolutely wrong to use them interchangeably because as far as ITSM is concerned, it is not technology-focused rather the focus is on customers.

ITSM is the 'What' and ITIL is the 'How' of IT service delivery. To know more, check our blog:


We are #Motadata partner offer a unified ITSM platform#ServiceOpss which is PinkVERIFY certified and ITIL compliant.

#Motadata #dcmsolusi #itsm #itam #service #servicedesk

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